Benefits and Tools

Each Post outlines a different benefit of Meditation and gives you the tools to achieve success in each area of your life.

Be sure to check these out:

MALAMA-The beautiful story of spiritual adventure for the protection of whales, dolphins, and all living creatures that call our vast oceans their home.

The Power of your Mind and correcting a Limiting Belief System

Meditate your Way to Wealth

Law of Attraction and How to Manifest a Miracle: Use Meditation to Align yourself with your True Potential

Zen Meditation and the Power to Gain Clarity through Meditation

The Benefits of Meditation on Parenting and Positive Practices for your Children and Teens

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Using Meditation to Manifest a Miracle

“You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true”

There are “secrets” of the universe that you can learn and use to unleash your full potential and become everything that you were meant to be. But all good secrets need to be shared, such as how you can attract abundance to your life.

The process of manifestation follows a formula, just like many things in nature:

1) Ask for what you want;

2) The universe will begin to match up your request with opportunities;

3) You must become aligned with what it is you’ve been asking for and receive your stuff…and there are 2 specific things that you can do to become aligned with your desires;

4) It helps to have a system that holds you accountable so that you can stay aligned with your wishes;

5) Use Visualization and Meditation to keep you focused and attract abundance, but learn other techniques to accelerate your results.

Take the time to learn more about the Law of Attraction and How to Manifest a Miracle. Discover how to stay aligned with your desires and power up your visualization and meditation with other proven techniques.